I love writing.

I produce an incredible amount of content relating to leadership, lifestyle, and entrepreneurship. I have written articles for many high-profile magazines and blogs such as the Business Influencer, The Pharmaceutical Executive, Business Because the Jeff Bullas blog and Warwick Business School.

I am also a senior executive Contributor for the Brainz Magazine, one of the leading entrepreneurial and leadership magazines in the world, where I have won two awards for the quality of my work, The Brainz 500 awards 2022 and the Crea Global Awards 2023.

I also write a fortnightly newsletter, The Pay The Price Newsletter, the topics of which is also published in magazines and various blogs, reaching a combined audience of close to over 100,000 readers.

I am also an international best-selling author of two books, Pay The Price, and From Gory to Glory (eBook).

My third book, Chasing Permanence is due to be published in mid-2024.

  • For more details on my books, please visit the Books Page.

Blogs Miles Noble Blogs Miles Noble

Are You A Hunter Or A Gatherer?

The majesty of these galloping black and white horses symbolises the duality of nature, with their contrasting colours representing opposite forces in perfect balance, similar to life – and suggests how we should embrace our differences with grace.

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Blogs Miles Noble Blogs Miles Noble

Don't Just Look Forward – Look Behind You

We always think we have more to learn, more to offer, people to look up to, but sometimes we forget that there are people behind us, looking up to us, waiting to jump into our footsteps, just waiting for us to give them a little helping hand…

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Blogs Miles Noble Blogs Miles Noble

Six Ways To Win The War With Your Dark Side

We all have a dark side that we wrestle with that threatens to destroy all that we have taken months, or in some cases, years, to build. This article highlights the fact that everyone struggles with a monster within us, and gives 6 ways we can defeat daily the self-sabotaging habits that threaten to derail us or our ambitions.

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Blogs Miles Noble Blogs Miles Noble

The Joy Of Movement

All of us have dreams. No matter where we’re from. This article is not an advert for the famous pain-killing gel we see on tv and in media.

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